Date & Time

In order to respect everyone's privacy: replays will NOT be available

1st Thursday of Every Month

1:30pm EST

Attendance is free

What is the Intention of these Calls?

Hello dear ones, 

Someone in my family is dealing with cancer and radiotherapy (and doing well), and a healer offered her free sessions to support her in this process. The healer, while speaking with my person, said that he prefered to not share his name, or receive any payment or, for that matter, any "thanks". I am sharing that with you because, when my family told me about his generosity, and humbleness, they were so moved and so touched that I decided to emulate him.

A pure act of service and love is how I choose to pay forward the selfless act of another human being.

So, I would like to invite you to a very special monthly event. I would like to offer you a monthly group coaching / mentorship for free. It will be open to everyone, with your privacy respected by not recording these calls.

It will be a space for you to ask your questions, share your life, share your pain, your curiosity or your confusion. It will allow us to connect, to be listened to, to be supported by a community committed to awareness. No question or situation is too small or large to speak about. 

We are doing this for the *soul* purpose of participating in the growing consciousness of the world, and contributing to the global elevation currently taking place. 

I am here, wherever you are at in life. You can count on my compassion, on my keen listening, and total authenticity.

Please, come as you are. We embrace you. 

Much Love,

Ask Any Questions

This is where you can ask me a question. I will answer them during the sessions. (I cannot guarantee to answer all of them) .